Paris-Saclay@OHP2025 : école d’été pour les (fin de) L3, M1, 1A, 2A physique à l’Observatoire de Haute-Provence (OHP) – Summer school in astrophysics at OHP
Université Paris-Saclay is organizing a summer school for its L3 and M1 physics students from July 20 to 26, 2025 at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence (OHP) on the theme: Observing the structuring and evolution of the Universe. The aim of this summer school is to enable students, in small groups, to take and analyze data on site, to investigate their theoretical aspects, to use several cutting-edge instruments and technologies (visible and infrared, telescopes), and to explore several characteristic scales of the Universe and their physical conditions (from asteroids to distant galaxies). The summer school is free for students (transportation, accomodation, meals).
With financial and operational support from OSUPS, the Astrophysics Axis of the Graduate School of Physics at Université Paris-Saclay, the Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, and CEA Paris-Saclay AIM.
Summer school poster 2025
Video done by students last year:
Who is this school for?
All students at the end of their L3, 1A or M1, 2A physics studies at the Université Paris-Saclay (faculties, schools, etc.). Each student admitted to the summer school :
– stay at OHP for 7 days (from Sunday morning, July 20, departing from Massy TGV to Saturday evening, July 26, 2025, arriving at Massy TGV)
– spend 6 nights working at the telescope, or in the lab, or observing, or analyzing data, with theoretical input
– use three large OHP telescopes: T80, T120 and IRIS in multi-band photometry
– observe 4 large scales characteristic of the Universe
– data analysis and theory sessions + a feedback session
– benefit from several site visits (e.g. T193, O3HP).
A group of up 20 students will stay 7 days.
The stay is free for students. The University provides transportation, accommodation and meals.
If you are doing an internship on these dates, please let us know immediately and we’ll make the necessary arrangements with your internship supervisor.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send us an email at: (replace “_at_” by “@” in the address).
Link to the pre-registration form:
Applications open: February 17, 2025
Summer school program
Summer school poster 2025